Compostable coffee pods seem to be the nearest solution to the gigantic waste of single-use coffee pods. We say that better than recycling is composting, and why is that? Because there is not a great recycling system yet and you can´t assure that the recyclable pods will be so. Instead of that, we foster people to compost because is the perfect way to convert waste into soil and restore it to the Earth. Compostable Coffee Pods: The coffee time evolution.

San Francisco Bay has a wide variety of biodegradable coffee pods which combine flavor with sustainability. The future is greener, and so must be the best part of the day: coffee time. Welcome to the coffee time evolution, coffee maniacs!

Our Top Pick - Compostable Coffee Pods - SF Bay

Flavored Variety Pack - K Cup Compatible - San Francisco Bay

This 40 Ct package brings a delicious variety of flavors for you to experience your coffee time.

It´s compatible with Keurig machines, including 2.0.

- Commercially Compostable

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Breakfast Blend - Medium Roast- San Francisco Bay

This is a blend of the most popular Central American beans.

Medium Roast and also Keurig Compatible

It has a natural and traditional flavor, special for classical coffee drinkers.

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French Roast - Dark Roast Level- San Francisco Bay

If you want a dark chocolate, smokey flavor coffee... go for it.

This French Roast is perfect for those who like strong and spirituous coffee.

A caress for the eco- coffee lovers.

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Favorite Four Variety Pack - Dark Roast - San Francisco Bay

If you are still doubting which of the above you like the most, relax... take it easy because SF Bay brings you the Variety Pack.

For those who want to try it all. After this one, you may decide which one you want to wake up with.

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Flavored Variety Pack - K Cup Compatible - San Francisco Bay

Sustainable Warriors Score

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What I Like

  • Delicious selection
  • Every item is Compostable
  • Keurig Compatible

What I Don't Like

  • Only Commercially Compostable

Exotic Coffee While Listening Lo- Fi

If you like different coffee flavors and create a whole atmosphere while drinking coffee, this is for you. I prefer drinking this kind when I can experience the flavors. The traditional coffee I drink in the morning before work is something I do by inertia. So, this is a break-coffee.

It is Keurig Compatible with all the San Francisco Bay coffee pods. I like that all an eco-design. Except for one detail: It is Compostable, yes. But in Industrial Composting Facilities. So be sure you have one of these in your county for the compostable attribute to make sense. If you want to know how these facilities work, please read this article: Composting Process of Solid Waste: Large Scale Process of Compost

Breakfast Blend - Medium Roast- San Francisco Bay

Sustainable Warriors Score

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What I Like

  • Traditional
  • Good Taste

What I Don't Like

  • Only Commercially Composting

More Break, Less Fast

This is the popular Breakfast Blend that can be described as wine:

This brew comes with the sweet caress of chocolate notes and hints of Sweet mandarin that guide you to faraway lands where citric grow in trees like the sun in the East.

Besides the simple coffee spell, is a great first coffee in the morning, although is not as gourmet as the first ones I showed you here; it has been done with dedication.

Besides the simple coffee spell, is a great first coffee in the morning, although is not as gourmet as the first ones I showed you here, It has been done with dedication.

In the morning rush, coffee is like a shock absorber but is necessary to think that isn´t healthy to live without time for ourselves. Thinking about our mental health is also thinking about environmental health. Paraphrasing something I heard: To heal the earth we have to heal ourselves and to heal ourselves we need healthy earth.

Do Compostable Coffee Pods heal the earth? No, not directly. But is the reflection of the beginning of consciousness about the waste problem. Did you know that 75 million households discard coffee pods every day? That´s a number.

Check this article: 5 Sustainable Kitchen Practices to Have a Green Kitchen

French Roast - Dark Roast Level- San Francisco Bay

Sustainable Warriors Score

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What I Like

  • Dark & Bodied
  • Smoked Finished

What I Don't Like

  • The same as the others

French Roast with a toast, please

Intense, charcoal-like flavor, dark and bodied, this was made not to go unnoticed.

Isn´t it great? I like these products that offer an experience while improving their design according to an ecological way. Compostable coffee pods come to be a massive step up the wasted pods' mountain. If you think twice, it has no sense: we love coffee, and coffee grows up from the ground; if we don´t look after the ground, the water, and the biodiversity, well... we are attempting to go against everything we love.

Which are the benefits of using Compostable Coffee Pods?

So many. Even though we are not solving the waste problem, we are contributing as consumers by asking for new styles of products that respect the environment and offer smart designs. We need to create through long-term thinking. Bye-bye, single-use plastic products. There is no "comfort" that can win our health.

Biodegradable coffee pods offer a smart proposal in that way. Because there is no chance that this product will go to a landfill. It will be composted, and it will take eight weeks to get into the soil. Nothing is nobler than composting. Well, I am a compost lover, I think you guys realized.

Favorite Four Variety Pack - Dark Roast- San Francisco Bay

Sustainable Warriors Score

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What I Like

  • Great Variety
  • Perfect to a coffee taster

What I Don't Like

  • The same as the others

The Fantastic Four... coffees

Let´s give a warm welcome to this popular four variety. Coffee tasters, please come in and do your thing. I am the kind of person that wants to change frequently the ice cream flavor, and that´s on everything. This kind of variety package is perfect for those restless drinkers that want to try something different.

Coffee lover and sustainable warrior. That is a reality, you can be a coffee lover without feeling guilty or worrying about the waste you are producing. Compostable coffee pods allow us to continue our coffee romance without harming the planet.

Why did I save one star for myself in every Sustainable Score?

Is necessary to repeat that these coffee pods are BPI certified, which means that they can be composted at specialized composting facilities, where raw material go through a controlled process that maintain the proper temperature for successful composting. You can Find A Composter near you and deliver your coffee pods there. San Francisco bay is still working on its Home composting certifications, so we´ll be keeping an eye on it to tell you about it. Having these biodegradable coffee pods is a lot! But better if they can be composted at home: there is my star left.

Don´t mess with my coffee time.

Sometimes is hard to see that still, in our most beloved moments, we are doing harmful things to the environment. I think it´s not functional to be guilty because it doesn't solve anything by making us feel bad and paralyzed. We´ve just inherited this legacy, and with the correct information, we can enlighten our present. It´s about baby steps, and nothing better than start changing these little habits, those we do every single day. If we add every pod we have used for around a year, it is a lot! So using compostable coffee pods is a change, a huge one.

The fact that we are talking about biodegradable coffee pods means that businesses are taking care of their environmental impact. It depends on us, the consumers, to ask for even better solutions.

Which habits are you changing to protect the environment? Is guilt or love what is mobilizing you? What do you think about these compostable coffee pods? We want to hear about your experience. Your voice is fundamental to us. Thank you for reading, and enjoy your healthy coffee.