As everybody knows, yoga is an old Indian discipline that brings an array of benefits to your body. Yoga benefits are not only physical but also mental. In one of our previous articles we explain the benefits of this amazing practice: Yoga Practice: What Benefits Does It Bring to Our Health? Also, if you are enthusiastic about keeping your body as fit as it can endure, then you should definitely try hot yoga. It is a thing and quite popular, actually. If you want to take your yoga practice to a whole new level, please read: Hot Yoga: Science-Based Facts about Its Health Benefits

Have you Ever Wondered How to Create your Own Yoga Room?

Have you ever stepped inside a yoga studio and just felt completely at peace? Well, you’ll be pleased to know that these spaces are designed to make you feel exactly this way! If you’re wondering how to design your own yoga room this post could help you with some ideas.

Whether it’s through decor, scent, or just some great lighting, yoga rooms are organized in such a way to make you feel as though you’ve just stepped through the gates of tranquility.

So, what’s the big secret behind designing your own yoga room? What exactly do they possess that changes your mindset as soon as you step into them? Well, it’s all to do with design. Yoga spaces tend to be spacious, well-lit, and calm. However, you needn’t allocate a massive space if you want to design your own yoga room. Oh, no – you just need the right space, some great accessories, and the right materials. So, whether you’ve only got the corner of a bedroom or a full shed to dedicate to designing your own yoga room, we’re here to guide you through the process.

Simply read ahead for all the information you’ll need to design your very own yoga room!

What Do I Need to Design My Own Yoga Room?

The first thing you need in order to design your own yoga room is the perfect space, it’ll depend of course – whether you’re designing a yoga space for a group studio, or individual practice. Even if you only have a tiny corner to dedicate to at-home practice, it’ll work – we promise.

When creating a space at home: What matters is that the space is clean, free from mess, and large enough to get a great warrior pose going. Though it’s not entirely necessary, it’s nice to have a special area in the room dedicated to your yoga equipment also. So, when selecting a space, try to pick a corner or area in which you can store your yoga bits and bobs too. Trust us, it’ll come in useful.

If choosing a professional studio: Look for studios or rooms that have lots of floor space, in a bright, light environment. You’ll want the group space to be spacious, so your clients can move around freely without worrying about bumping or knocking each other. Look for smooth, safe flooring too (as lots of clients may practice in bare feet).

Realistically, you’ll want a good wood floor when you design your own yoga room. Though you can use laminate or carpeting flooring, wooden flooring tends to work best due to its natural grip and smooth texture.

However, if you can’t change or select the type of floor you want for your own yoga room then don’t worry too much. As you’ll be using a yoga mat, you’ll just want to make sure the floor has enough grip and space to support your practice.

When you’re designing your own yoga room, you’ll want to kit it out with the essentials. As this will be your dedicated practice area, you’ll want to make sure you have everything that you’ll need within arms’ reach. Though our recommendations for equipment aren’t exhaustive, we highly suggest getting your hands on the items below as a starting point:

  1. Yoga mat (here’s a list of our list of our top yoga mats)
  2. Yoga blocks
  3. Yoga bolster
  4. Yoga blanket
  5. Straps
  6. Resistance Bands
  7. Mat wash

Again, we need to reiterate that this isn’t EVERYTHING that you may want when you’re designing your own yoga room, but all these accessories should have a place in your room! This is such an important tip when you learn how to design your own yoga room.

Tip 4: Find some great lighting

When you’re designing your own yoga room, you’ll want to source some great lighting. Though you can rely on natural light from windows, it’s also a good idea to get some lamps that emit a warm and calming hue. Whether that’s a Himalayan salt lamp or a dimming bulb, you’ll want a light source that encourages calm and tranquility.

Soft and natural lighting is key here. So, if you’ve been looking for a reason to replace those garish fluorescent lights now is your chance!

Though low light is great, just be sure to have a light source in the room. Practicing in the dark may feel like a cool thing to do, but it isn’t the safest choice! Another tip when learning how to design your own yoga room.

My next tip for how to design your own yoga room, it’s to make extra room if possible. When you’re deciding how to design your own yoga room, you’ll wan tot think about some great extras to really spice things up. Though they aren’t necessary, some nice plants can really add a great touch to a room. Equally, some awesome prints or inspirational quotes on the wall can keep you going through those tough poses.

And hey – if you’re looking to recreate that signature studio scent, why not invest in an essential oil diffuser? Not only are they reasonably priced little gadgets, but they can also immediately transport you when you switch them on!

If possible, try and keep your products as eco-friendly as possible. Cork is an excellent material to use when it comes to your mats and your blocks, and as yoga is meant to be about mindfulness it’s well worth considering our precious planet when designing your own yoga room! If you're interested in sustainable yoga mats, please read: Sustainable Yoga Mat: The Best Options for Your Wellbeing

When you’re designing your own yoga room, you may wish to put a TV or media source into the room. Though you may be proficient enough to create your own yoga classes, you may want to stream some YouTube classes or DVDs too!

So, if you want to do this, be sure to pop a TV or computer into the room so that you’re never stuck without a great class to follow on those particularly stressful days.

Though it’s not necessarily, if you're designing your own yoga room, you may wish to place a small speaker or sound source in the room to play some great meditative music during your sessions. Sound can be truly moving, so it’s an excellent way to make people feel released, relieved and also at peace.

Whether you’re an experienced yogi that wishes to move things home for the time being or you’re a beginner who’s looking for a tranquil yoga space at home, designing your own yoga room can really take your experience to the next level. As yoga is quite an individual activity, it can be nice to have a dedicated space to relax and unwind in. With your very own room, you’re likely to push yourself further and truly commit.

Alright then, I hope I have given you enough ideas to start decorating your own yoga room to have a pleasant, peaceful and sweet experience.

Read on if you want to know a little bit more about making this experience a unique one: Comfortable And Practical: Best Yoga Pants On Amazon and set yourself to this amazing new world.