Having a cup of good coffee in the right moment of the day can definitely be a game changer in your daily routine, right? If you love coffee, you should know that there are many alternatives on the market nowadays for you to go eco-friendly with every cup of coffee. We'd love to share with you this time top-notch coffee pods on Amazon!

Helping the planet while a having a cup of coffee sounds like a pretty good idea, and it's easier than you think. Incorporating more sustainable habits and products into your daily life is possible! Easier said than done, but you just need to be determined and know where to start.

Well, a really good way to get you started with sustainable coffee are sustainable coffee pods. They are simply great! Coffee pods are the best compostable coffee pods in the market. Among the main reason why you should run to your market and grab a box of coffee pods is that they are 100& recyclable, compostable and as the coffee grains are sourced differently they provide the greatest coffee flavor! Remember that recycling and reusing is great, but composting is even better!

Why Using Compostable Coffee Pods?

There are so many reasons to become a regular user of coffee pods but we are going to narrow down a few for you.

At the end of the day, plant-based compostable pods are better than recyclable ones. They can actually divert all their organic material into soil, rather than into landfill, and reduce greenhouse gases and plastic waste.

making coffee - Pexels

If you check our article Compostable Coffee Pods: The Coffee Time Evolution, you'll find there the best coffee pods on Amazon! All types of coffee included! You will also find thorough reviews on each of these coffee pods so you can find the ones that best work for you!

It seems that compostable coffee pods are at the very core to the solution for plastic waste. It's key that we start falling into new habits, especially as regards our daily life, and drinking coffee is probably part of our daily routine, isn't' it? If we enjoy coffee and we are conscious about how urgent it is that we start caring about the planet, we need to change and spread the word about it.

Coffee pods are the nearest solution to the ridiculously large amount of waste produced by single-use coffee pods. As we said, recycling is good but composting is much better!

What Are the Best Compostable Coffee Pods?

As you can imagine, there is no a single answer to this question because -fortunately- nowadays we have plenty of options. To help you decide which pod is best for you, let's check the goods and the bads of the two main possibilities you have:

These are made from 100% aluminum which is not so easy to be recycled. The thing with this type of capsule is the low rate of recycling. An aluminum capsule needs to be perfectly clean before throwing it into the bin, which means that people are less likely to recycle them and they just end up throwing them away. Although they are recyclable, they can be harmful to the environment if not treated properly before disposal.

morning coffee - Pixabay

A compostable coffee pod is usually a better solution, especially if you can't imagine yourself recycling, which is perfect! There are ready-made solutions at the supermarket! Compostable coffee pods are made from plant-based materials such as bio-based corn starch and are designed to break down as quickly as other type of organic food waste.

For their disposal, you simply have to add your capsule to your local food-waste collection bin to be taken to the nearest composting point. Not all coffee pods can be composted at home, but there are some options available online.

Find the best coffee pods on Amazon brought to you by Glory Brew, a company that's making the difference through its commitment to a more ethical manufacturing of coffee pods. In Compostable Coffee Pods: Doing Good for the Planet While Having Breakfast you can read for complete and real reviews on this amazing compostable coffee pods on Amazon.

Some criteria that should we met, no matter what type of coffee pod, are the following:


All of Glory Brew compostable coffee pods come in a cute yet sustainable packaging. They can adapt to Keurig machines, which BTW is the best coffee maker, if you ask me. Just place the pod where it should be set, and just wait for the magic to happen!


Design is super important, not only in terms of aesthetics but also in terms of practicality. Coffee pods need to be practical, sustainable and simple. Glory Brew coffee pods are made from 100% biodegradable and recycled materials, which means compostable, which means taking care of the planet.


We love the Glory Brew coffee pods because they can composted. If you are vegan or vegetarian, you're probably familiar with the habit of reading labels and making informed choices as what to buy and why. These coffee pods on Amazon are definitely on our side as regards that aspect. They can be perfectly composted in those commercial composting facilities and please keep in mind that they cannot be composted at home, because they lack certifications - this is the case for any coffee pods brand, thou-. We said it before and we say it again: recycling is good but composting is better! So go for it!

we all love coffee - Pexels

How Can I Further Go Green in My Kitchen?

From utensil through storage bags for food, there are plenty of alternatives available online for you to take a step further in your sustainable habits. The kitchen as well as the bedroom is an ideal place to begin with... Buying compostable coffee pods on Amazon is just one way of turning your kitchen gree but if you are creative enough and you know where to buy, you'd be surprised at the variety of sustainably made kitchen objects that exist nowadays.

We'll give you a sneak peek at our article 8 Eco Friendly Kitchen Products that Will Make You Go Green where you can find descriptions of and reviews on the best sustainable objects you should have in your kitchen to keep it green. Some of these are:

Just to recap a little bit on this article, we presented here some of the best and most practical compostable coffee pods on Amazon for you to turn to compostable coffee pods once and for all. And I think we got you covered.

We all love a good cup of coffee, especially in the morning to lift us up and start the day. Overindulging yourself with coffee is never a good idea, so if that's your case remember that slow life and sustainable life go hand in hand and it's never too late to get you started.

Sustainability is not a once-in- a lifetime decision but rather a constant search which seem to have no ending. So, today you can start with how to prepare your morning coffee and maybe tomorrow you keep thinking about how to go further. Luckily fo us, there is always a green way to life, we just need to find it.

If you are a profuse coffee drinker, you'd love to know that you have a lof of organic options available! Find ten different options to buy online and start tasting new flavor in our article 10 Best Organic Coffee of 2021: Find your Favorite One and Buy it Online. See you next time, warrior. Keep it green!