Adopting your first dog, whether you're a college student or a senior person, is a life-changing and joyful event. You've most likely prepared your new best friend's food and bowls, as well as a bag of treats, a new leash and collar, and some gleaming toys. However, having fun and providing chow aren't the sole obligations of a responsible pet owner. In this article you are going to learn about Pets World 101: Everything you need to know about getting a pet.

While lots of love and excellent nourishment are key aspects of pet ownership, it's also necessary to think about how your new four-legged friend will affect your house and life and make plans appropriately. You are not only going to be dealing with a pet, but with another living being. Keep on reading to learn the 10 key points you need to know before getting a fur friend.

1. Will you commit to your pets?

Will you be able to take your dog for three daily walks? Will you remember to give your cat some exercise every evening? If the answer is no, and you don't have anyone to help you with such activities, you should think about getting a fish or a parakeet as a low-demand animal friend. Unfortunately, pets need you to spend time with them as much as a human. So, depending of which kind of pet you are willing to get is the amount of time that you will need to spend with them.

2. Are your Pets a Good fit for your lifestyle?

Choosing a pet solely on the basis of its popularity or cuteness is probably one of the worst decisions a person can make. Too often, these dogs are abandoned at an animal shelter because they are too high-energy, too dependent, too intolerant. The list goes on and on. Get to know the breed you're interested in, and be willing to change your opinion if its disposition doesn't match your ability to care for it.

Ask a lot of questions to the individuals who are adopting the animal, and maybe even join a breed-specific Facebook group to ask some of the members questions. The recent Chihuahua mania is an excellent example. Sure, they're cute and can fit into any space, and they're also quite low-maintenance. The downside to it is that they aren't normally extremely child-friendly and are one of the breeds noted for biting children without provocation. Your personality should also be reflected in your pet cat. Some cats, for example, require a lot of attention and interaction, but others are largely self-sufficient. Make informed decisions based on your research.

3. Talk to Vets

Ask your friends for veterinary recommendations before deciding on the type of pet that would fit you. A veterinarian can provide you with valuable information to assist you in selecting the right pet for your lifestyle and needs. You want a veterinarian that best fits your needs, yet not all veterinarians are the same. This will be a lifelong partnership, so making the right decision is crucial. Read internet evaluations of local veterinarians, contact groomers in your region for recommendations, and schedule interviews with them.

4. Create a Pet-Friendly Environment

Did you know that even something as simple as chewing gum can be fatal to dogs, and that ibuprofen can be fatal to cats? It's critical to walk through your home now, before bringing a new pet home, to look for any hazards and move them out of the way or out of the house. Cabinets at pet level, counter tops, chemical bottles on the floor, small toys, electric cords, and curtain cords are all examples. It doesn't end there, either.

You'll also need to look for hazardous plants for dogs and cats in your home and yard, and if you carry a purse or bag, you'll need to look for and remove any potential hazards, such as sugar-free gum, which commonly includes xylitol (which is not pet friendly).

If you are not only a pets' lover but also a plant lover, you might need to be careful on which pest control you use on your plants. Have a look at our article Eco Friendly Pest Control: 5 Top Products to Protect your Plants.

5. Choose appropriate pets' food

Not all pet foods are equal. Some are better than others, and some make claims that are not always supported by evidence. It would be simple to select the pet food bag or can with the most attractive design on the cover, but this is not the best way to ensure our pets' long-term health. Choose the best food for your dog or cat, and make sure it's a comprehensive and balanced diet.

Your pet food choices should be driven by the pet's individual demands, life stage, and lifestyle from the time they are young until they are seniors. You can do some preliminary research to get a decent sense of why it's essential and what to look for, but your veterinarian is the best source of information.

If you are not sure about what appropriate food still means check Organic Dog Food: Healthy Options for Our Furry Friends.

6. Embrace changes

Be prepared to cry if you decide to bring a puppy into your home. Yes, much like human newborns, puppies howl at night during their first few days in their new house. However, unlike human newborns, taking your dog to your bed to soothe him is not a good idea. Set up a quiet, confined place with a comfy bed or a kennel that can be closed before bringing the puppy home. This will keep your dog safe from straying. Choose the location where your dog will stay for the rest of his life. Allow your puppy free, supervised access to the house during the day so he may sniff everything. This will also help you notice any hazards you may have overlooked the first time around.

Cats have it a little simpler when it comes to going to bed. Set up the kitten's sleeping place in a secure location near his litter box so he doesn't get lost looking for it, and then let him frolic around in it until he falls asleep. When you bring a new pet into a home with other pets, things get a little more complicated. You'll want to make sure your current pet doesn't feel threatened enough to attack the newcomer. Keep an eye on them and try your best to make them become best friends as well.

7. Train your pets

If you want your happy home to stay happy, you'll need to start house training as soon as you get your pet home. In case you're adopting a kitten, get him used to his litter-box as soon as possible. If it's a puppy, put him on a leash and take him outside to get to know his surroundings. Most pups will be frightened by their new surroundings, and you don't want to give them any unnecessary anxiety.

On the initial outing, a very short walk is all that is required. So, on the first outing, start training. "Go now," say to the puppy as he goes outdoors to relieve himself. With enough repetitions of this order, you will be able to take your dog out in any conditions without worrying about how long it will take him to relieve himself.

8. Choose Appropriate Pet Toys and Treats

Puppies, in particular, require the correct treats. When used properly, treats are one of the most effective strategies for behavior modification. Experiment with a variety of dog treats before settling on the one that provides the most value to your puppy. That is the treat for which he will go to any length, including staying by your side even when a swarm of cats passes by. When it comes to giving out sweets, be practical. It's tempting to feed our "little babies" generously, but much like giving candy to a human child, eating too many snacks can lead to an unhealthy body; even nutritious snacks can build up to extra weight. Keep a stash of sweets in your pocket at all times for training purposes.

Rawhide should be handled with caution because it can be shredded into little pieces and consumed whole, causing choking or intestinal obstructions. Buttons, strings, and anything else that can be bitten off and swallowed should be avoided in toys. Stick to rubber balls meant for dogs (which are more difficult to pull apart), nylon bones, and non-toxic stuffed toys, and seek advice from other dog "parents" on items that will withstand puppy pressure.

Feather wands are usually appealing with cats, and many of them respond to laser light devices. Not to mention the tried-and-true catnip stuffed mouse toy and the old boxes. Cats enjoy sweets as well, so follow the same guidelines as humans and treat them responsibly.

9. Neuter and Spay your pets

Neutering, often known as spaying or castration operation, can be performed as early as eight weeks of age. The neutering treatment is usually performed between the ages of four and six months, giving the animal plenty of time before it reaches reproductive age. Some individuals refuse because they believe the animal will lose its sense of self (male), miss out on the life milestone of giving birth (female), or lose its ability to protect them. None of these justifications are true. In fact spaying your pets is taking care of them.

Neutering your pet is the best thing you can do for his or her health. In most cases, neutering reduces aggression, but it does not make a dog less protective of his or her human family. And your female animal will not feel inferior because she is not pregnant. It would be harder for her if her children were snatched from her than if she had never given birth. She won't be able to tell the difference, she will also be less likely to develop mammary and ovarian cancers. If you are in doubt or have questions always refer to your veterinarian first.

10. Make Sure Your Pet Has Proper ID

Finally, make sure your puppy or kitten is properly identified so that if they get loose, which happens to almost everyone at some point, you can have him safely returned to you. Your contact information should be displayed on your pet's collar, either on a tag or directly on the collar. Keep photographs on hand as well. This is a fantastic reason to keep track of your pet's progress, but you might need those photographs later when it's time to display them around town or leave them with the local shelter in case your pet is brought there.

A GPS collar device is a brilliant way to track your pet, but it loses its effectiveness when the collar is lost.Microchips provide the most reliable identification and should be used in conjunction with a collar to increase the chances of locating a missing pet. Make it a point to remember to update your contact information with the firm that keeps records for the microchip whenever your contact information changes. It could mean the difference between your pet being returned to you or remaining missing for the rest of your life.

All these being said, it it time to think deeply if you are ready to commit and get a pet. The pets' world is a magical world but it demands commitment for at least several years. If after reading the article you've decided to adopt a fur friend, get your home ready for one of the best experiences of your life!